Let's Do it

 In the story The Parrot Who Wouldn’t Talk, Aunt Ruby’s nephew took the decision to set the parrot free. He didn’t ask his grandparents or think about what his aunt would say or do or feel. How did he make his decision?

In life, we are always required to make decisions. You too will have to make decisions to solve all kinds of problems. The problems could be simple and small, such as what dress to wear, or they could be important like what career to choose, which job to accept. Like the young boy in the story, you may have to make decisions knowing full well that some people who are important to you (family members, friends, etc) will not like that decision.

How will you make decisions?

Imagine that you are travelling in a crowded bus with a friend. As a passenger gets up from his seat, his wallet falls down. Before you can call out to the man, your friend puts the wallet in his/ her bag. What would you do in such a situation? Write down your decision.

Explain how you made this decision in 80 – 100 words.

Given below are some tips that will help you to make your decision.

• First, think carefully about the problem or situation.

• Make a list of all the different things you could do such as tell your friend to give the wallet back, tell the man that your friend has taken his wallet, and other options. Write them down.

• Think of the good and bad effects of each one. For example, your friend might be angry with you or the man might shout at your friend and call the police.

• Reduce the number of options keeping only the best ones.

• Think carefully about the best options keeping in mind what your goals are or what is important to you.

• Make the decision. Choose one option according to what is the correct thing to do.

• Do what you have decided to do.

• Be prepared to face the consequences.


PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Find out more about this organisation. What are its objectives? In how many countries does it have supporters?

27.2.2 PART 2

It fell upon me, then ten years old ……..The parrot had learnt to talk after all!

Children can be observant and sensitive. After Aunt Ruby becomes hostile towards her pet, her ten-year-old nephew (the author) feeds the parrot. A tender relationship develops between the parrot and the boy. He feeds the parrot not just things that the parrot likes but also things that he himself likes, such as slices of mango. The boy empathises with the parrot. He understands how the parrot feels. When no one is around, he leaves the cage door open. Do you think this was the correct thing to do? Did he make the right decision?

If his aunt had seen him, what could have happened?

In this section, you once again see Aunt Ruby’s immature behaviour. She wants to get another bird that she can teach to talk. After some days, the parrot returns. When it sees Aunt Ruby, the parrot says the same unkind words to her that she used to say to it. Aunt Ruby gets what she deserves. This section of the story shows us that one should be careful about what one says, even to one’s pets.


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